Simply Blessed

Happy Sunday y’all.
This morning, while getting ready for outdoor church, I looked out my bedroom window. Instead of moaning about the too tall grass, I saw a yard full of diamonds.
Many times, I don’t.
I imagine most folks are just as guilty but can you even begin to imagine what our lives would look like if we choose to see the good - see God - in our lives as opposed to seeing the not so good things?
This morning, I could have ignored the dew and used legitimate excuses (I’m dressed for church, I’ll get my shoes wet, the camera isn’t ready...) and stayed inside to finish watching Steven Furtick. (Sorry Steven...but I can catch you on rewind - the dew...not so much.)
So, kicking off the dress shoes, grabbing the 20# camera bag, I suited up and headed out. I am so glad that I did! I got to watch a few unidentified birds eating breakfast and hear their happy tunes. I was able to see the sun peak through the pines, I captured dew that in a few minutes, evaporated into nothingness...I don’t want that to be my life. To disappear into nothingness - I want to leave a mark here - a happy one. Maybe my mark will be through the thousands of pictures my kids and grandkids will inherit. Maybe it’ll be countless written words in journals, blogs, and notebooks. But I want to make sure that I take time to capture life as God gives it. Maybe it’ll only be in my memories - but by God’s grace - prayerfully, it’ll be somewhere instead of being a regrettable lost opportunity.
Hope you enjoy viewing these shots and allow God to use them to reveal to your heart the many good things He has in store for His kids.
Be blessed today y’all - In Christ with His love and compassion - Coach Kelly



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