
Showing posts from 2014

Making 2014 Count

It is interesting to me that today could be the day that makes 2014 a great year.  Today, the last day of the year,  holds great promise because, in all reality, today is all we have.  We are not promised tomorrow and the previous 364 days cannot be relived.  So today is the only day we have left.   As you go out into the world today, to party, to go to doctor's appointments, to travel home, to go to work, or to sit around on your computer and play games or gossip, remember that today holds great promise.  There is the promise that you will meet that one person who will forever be your soul mate; there is the promise that you will find that perfect pair of boots that eluded you over the Christmas holiday; there is the promise that you can make someone's day a bit brighter by smiling at them when they mess up your fast food order instead of cussing them out; and the promise that today is all you have. I pray that today, you make the decision to make 20...

It's those foolish things that make me LOL...seriously

Recently I completed a master degree - big whoop right?  Well...yeah...for someone like me it is and here is why:  In elementary school, I was always a grade level behind  and even then had poor grades.  For some reason, the system did not catch up with me and I was shuffled along, like a hurt lamb in the overpowering herd that somehow managed, somehow, someway,  to reach her destination.  To make going to school even worse, both my hearing and eyesight were moderately impaired...once again, somehow, someway, this was overlooked for several years.  I was evaluated at our local Deaf and Blind School but my hearing loss was not found to be at a level which required aids.  As an adult,  I still question the validity of those tests.  A few years later, to my surprise, my eyesight was monitored and I was given corrective lenses (or glasses as we refer to them in WV), and somehow, someway, fixed the hearing problem too! It was the th...

Ouch! What'd Ya Do That For?

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts " Isaiah 55:9 "A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory; And in His name Gentiles will trust"  Matthew 12: 20-21 Have you ever experienced a *God-Whack*?  A time when you questioned something or someone only to have God speak directly to you in chastisement?   If you have not experienced this first hand, let me tell y'all what happened to me because of an innate soul feature:    A little history:  Along with this whole life coaching/counseling profession, having studied the human psych, comes a deeper insight into what makes people tick; but even before the schooling, God designed me with an uncanny ability to "see people"; which apparently makes folks uncomfortable.  Several family members have told me (more than once) that i...

Back to my boots

Be still, and know that I  am  God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10, KJV). As I drove across Dolly Sods on 10/17/14 (according to date imprint from my camera), I found myself wondering why I don't visit this old family stomping ground more often.  As I climbed out of my Jeep, I looked down at my dust covered boots.  And thought about that question to myself for a minute.  For some reason, those old boots spoke to me and I realized that it was because of the other shoes I had been forced to wear, shoes that took me to "the office", shoes that took me to "ballgames", and shoes that took me "to church".  I realized that those shoes not only gave me a bunion, but for years, rubbed me wrong in so many other ways, causing me to bury the true me, the "Dreama" that is fighting to come back to the surface right now! Just to clarify, this post isn't really about boots but about how situation...

Flowers and Rain

Today I was enjoying one of my favorite pastimes: walking in the rain (my husband considers this odd but I since I don’t consider golf the epiphany of normal, I guess we are even).   As I moseyed around the house, I enjoyed the last blooming flowers of the season:  one perfect pink rose, two pansies snuggled against a thorny stem and a line of black-eyed Susans in various stages of survival. Getting soaked from above as my flip-flops slipped on the wet grass, I understood why John thinks his wife is a little weird.  Anyway, as I soaked up the beauty of these flowers, I was reminded that everything living develops, thrives, and withers in its own time in its own way.  I captured this picture of a pink rose with a cute green worm snuggled inside the petals.  It reminded me of how easily we let seemingly harmless things into our lives that, nibble by nibble, devour us. I believe the Bible calls these “little foxes” (Song of Solomon, 2:15. NIV).  ...

A Month of Prayer

So last month I started a daily prayer routine - I went into my office at the same time and "met God there".  There were a few days, I'll admit, that I did not follow the routine but I prayed and sought God regularly.  The result? Well, to be honest, there were some breakthroughs but then I got to thinking about my intentions. Was I trying to manipulate God?  Were those prayers sincere?  Yes and no. I thought that if I did what was expected of me, that the results would be the same as if I was praying and meeting with God because I wanted to.   There is a huge difference in methods. When I met with God because I wanted to, I was excited about leaving my house and going into my office.  When I went in and flopped down on the coach out of obligation, I watched the clock a little closer. Maybe not the results anyone wanted to read, but the truth of the matter is that serving God is to be a pleasant experience, one of joy, anticipation, and excitement. ...

Knowing God's Will...It Should Be Easy Right?

As I sit here with hurt feelings because, in all reality, I was put in my place and I'm just feeling sorry for myself, I prayed "Okay God, so where am I supposed to be and in the meantime, what am I supposed to be doing here, what is the purpose"? His reply hurt my feelings even more when I felt the Holy Spirit say: " Pray ". Really? What is all I get? Pray? "No, seriously God, what am I supposed to be doing here?  Am I here wasting precious hours of my life just to bring in a paycheck or is there a purpose for all this"? SILENCE - I got silence. At my age, shouldn't I have figured out God's will for my life by now? Or...perhaps I make too much of seeking His will and desire something big and great and showy as an answer.  Maybe I am doing it wrong and am seeking signs instead of simply seeking Him for guidance, peace, and contentment.  Does that make sense?  To be perfectly honestly, I want to coach full time, to help others out of the...

Ewe Know...Life In the Storm

I was sitting in my West Virginia mountaintop home watching rain pelt down in wind-driven sheets across the pasture.  As I watched the rain move forward, I noticed how the ewes and lambs continued to munch on the fresh grass, seemingly oblivious to the driving spring rain.  As I continued to watch the scene unfold before me, God spoke to my heart regarding the storms of life and how frequently we fail to turn to Him for shelter. Like those sheep, we often fail to "come in out of the rain".  Perhaps we feel unworthy or that God does not care, or worse yet, perhaps we feel that for whatever reason, we deserve to be pelted. As the rain continued to fall, the sheep just stood there absorbing the blows and carrying the extra weight of their rain soaked wool.  Then, as if just for my benefit, the sun broke through from behind, bathing the field in golden light.  And then I realized it:  the simplicity of life.  If we move quickly, slowly, or not at all, th...