Your Husband's Foundation

"Wives, place yourselves under your husbands' authority. This is appropriate behavior for the Lord's people."

John and I were watching Tony Evans' program this morning; a ministry that he listens to on his drive to work.

This morning, as Dr. Evans was teaching on wives being subject to their husbands. This is a message I believe we women have either embraced or rejected - I don't know that we can truly bounce back and forth on this one! But this was a great message for all Christian wives.

Dr. Evans explained how Jesus is equal with God but served a different function. He went on to state that wives are equal to their husbands but also served a different function and that function was to willingly submit under their husband's leadership. He emphasized the point by placing one hand over the other and it occurred to me that he is absolutely right. And this time, instead of this message seeming restrictive, I understood the importance of the role wives are supposed to hold in marriage

The role was played out in the War Room movie. It was played out in the Love Dare. What we have, ladies, is the base role in our relationship, the foundational one!

When we willing become submissive, supportive, understanding to a husband who is himself submissive, supportive, understanding to Christ, just as Christ is to God, we become the foundation! It will be our prayers, support, understanding, and love that shores up rest of our relationship.  Establishing a solid foundation for our husband to build upon. And as he becomes more established, it will be because of his foundation - you. Ladies, God has given us such a great role to play. Never let pride or stubbornness take the role of a submissive wife from you. Give your husband a solid foundation on which to build. Show him God's love and be unwavering in your commitment, not only to God, but to your husband and marriage. Keep God first in your relationship and never stop growing spiritually. Our role is not an easy one; but with God in the picture, the home you are building will be a loving one.

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly


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