Faith touches Jesus

Happy Thursday y'all!

I was praying yesterday and this thought occurred to me: We all want smooth rides and calm waters; but in WV (and life) bumpy roads lead to mountaintops. And mountaintops offer the best views. But getting there can be rough. Narrow, washboard-like roads full of turns and potholes can be a deterrent. But once there? Oh y'all! Magnificence! The same holds true on our journey through life. It's rough at times, but on the other side is heaven. And heaven will be spectacular!

Touching Jesus (and being touched by Him) holds many promises and offers us hope and direction on how to navigate this journey. And we touch Jesus when our faith is stronger than doubt and fear. We've just gotta keep going, in faith, believing that the best is yet to come! Enjoy your life, trust in Jesus, and be blessed today y'all.

Coach Kelly

Week 41 "Touching Jesus"

#BeyondTheMirror  #Yourlifecoachingwv


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