Winding down the ultimate selfie

Image may contain: sky, cloud, text and natureUnless you see it in person, there is no way to describe the peaceful beauty of WV's Corridor H this time of year. Nor can we adequately explain God's love and grace to someone else. Each of us has to accept Him for ourselves. Experience Him for ourselves. But...we can draw folks to Him when they see Christ alive in us. Going to church is great and all, but it's what we do with what we learn that defines us as a Christian. Good days, not so good days, rotten matter the day...we have to choose, on purpose, to let Him shine through. So others can see hope, joy, peace...Jesus...when they look beyond their mirror's reflection.

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This week has been interesting for me. I did the usual plus a little more. This week's Bible study has changed me - inside.  Even when a troubling phone call came in - when work was more hectic than normal - I still felt Him near. Through it all, I felt God's peace. Here's the funny thing: on the outside, I appeared "normal" because the difference was on the inside. And that got my attention.  I noticed a huge change within my soul.

For example, when I broke that honey jar - a 1/4 gallon of honey in a glass jar. Not the watery honey - oh no - this was the good stuff and it was...well very sticky.  Hearing rather than seeing the crash, I looked down at the mess, felt blood dripping off my fingers and foot...felt shards of glass on my bare feet...and felt...nothing more than that. My husband, dressed and ready for work, stood looking at me covered in glass, blood, and honey with a look that sort of said  'I'm glad it was her and not me'. But even that didn't ruffle me - not this week. 

After the mess was cleaned up, I had to ask myself why. Shucks, I even questioned him about my attitude - and he said that it really didn't surprise him that I took it all in stride. But I knew there was a difference. And I believe it was because I had touched Jesus this week. And I hope the trend continues - that I can truly see beyond the mirror and realize how important my time with Him truly is.

Recently, we had a little rain. A three-minute  drizzle really. But I gave thanks for that rain on my windshield. I rolled down my window and enhaled. Then, with appreciation and gratitude, I prayed for more. In the little things y'all, thats where we'll find Jesus. My ultimate selfie was enhanced by showing gratitude for a little rain.
I recall how, when I was younger, I only looked for Him only in big things. But the Bible tells us that if we are faithful in little, He'll give us these bigger things.
Be blessed today y'all and enjoy the little blessings along your path.
#Yourlifecoachingwv #BeyondTheMirror

Be blessed today y'all, Coach Kelly


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