Ultimate Selfie week 40

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth"  
(2 Timothy 2:15, ESV).

I watched the crowd as they...
Smiled again.
Snapped one more.
The smile replaced by a big grin.
They captured it.
Hurry #tag that!
Hit post.
Ignored were the game and smiling companions all around.
But alas, all over campus, satisfied at last were multiple attempts for the ultimate selfie.

Have you ever considered your reflection?
Not the physical one that looks back from the looking glass or lens.
Your true reflection – the one beyond the mirror? How would you describe it?
The reflection that depicts your character?

What about your neighbors? What synonyms would they use to describe you?
Would their summary words vary depending upon how well they knew you? Of course they would! 

How about folks who don’t even know you – they pass judgement just the same – what would they say? Would they be accurate based upon your actions and speech? 

As women of Christ, it is important for our reflection to - well - reflect Christ. What this means is that we have to possess a welcoming aura. An aura that gives off light. Hope. Kindness. Joy. Peace. Goodness…and the list from Galatians 5:22 goes on.

Recently, I’ve really been thinking about my own aura. Do I truly reflect Christ? Am I honestly in love with Him? Do I spend enough time with Him on a daily basis?

I have a lot of questions that I need to answer regarding my Christian walk. Questions that only time with God will reveal. So I find myself with yet another reason to take this Bible study seriously. Not haphazardly, not hurriedly, but seriously. With purpose. With passion.
I hope that you too, will spend time reflecting on your personal walk with Christ this fall. Now is the time for us to be equipped - His kingdom is coming - and unlike the ultimate selfie - there will be no do-overs...

Have a blessed week y'all - In Christ with Love and Compassion - Coach Kelly

#BeyondTheMirror #YourLifeCoachingWV

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