Struck Down - Not Destroyed week 29

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”
(2nd Corinthians 4:8-9).

Question of the week: What faith-crushing issue are we facing (have we faced) that trumps God’s strength?



This week’s verses remind us that there is One source of strength…and we have to empty our hands in order to reach up to Him.


Avery and her Pappy planted sunflowers this spring. Just as the stocks were starting to grow, our dogs managed to roll into the garden and bend several of them over. We considered propping them up but decided to let the sun do its magic and hope it would draw them upright.  Earlier today, I was checking the garden and noticed one of their flowers in particular. It was still on the ground with the start of a flower...just like the ones standing erect. Immediately, 2 Corinthians 4:9 came to mind: "we’re persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
Many biblical heroes were struck down. Hit with life issues that could have broken them completely. Cost them their position, made them a sorry example of what not to do but nothing more. Noah. David. Saul. Solomon. Rehab. Naomi. Each with a story that could have left them lost and heartbroken...but then God.

In the midst of their sorrow, they reached out to the Creator God, and He drew them back up.  Maybe not as tall as they were before but maybe stronger, taller. They came through the other side strong enough to let their light shine for Him...again…and strong enough to learn from their mistakes.

But what about those of us who get knocked down not from our own mistakes? What about those of us, who just like Avery and Pappy's sunflowers, were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time - it happens ya know, becoming a victim of circumstance - what about those? Can God still draw us upward and strengthen us again?

Only if we are willing to do our part and use the situation to strengthen us spiritually.  ðŸŒ»

I am anxious to see if this sunflower continues to bloom in that spot where it landed. I am anxious to see if a great life lesson can come from a broken flower. Personally, I want to see a plate sized flower laying on the ground, shining upward as if to say "It takes more than a broken stem to keep me down." But ya know what? If that stock rots off at the ground and the flower never gets a fighting chance, I'm sure there is still a life lesson to learn.

Maybe when someone or something we care about gets struck down, we should give them a little support and less advice. Maybe just be there for them. Maybe we give them to God and let Him pull them back upward.

Of course, maybe a broken sunflower is just a broken sunflower...or maybe not...

In Christ with love and compassion - Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror



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