Trusting God During The Storms

When I started this blog, I was under a "storm". I could not explain it because truth be told, I didn't understand it myself. Now that I made it through several life changes, I can say without a doubt that God has been there for me through it all and that I am a stronger person because of these changes. Most of us cannot grasp the concept that someone can experience abundance while living in decrease. I guess it could be paralleled to the pruning process: cut away the excess which results in better productivity. As a Christian who is not particularly fond of religion, I know that my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has made all the difference in my journey to this point. Once again, the difference is that my experience with Jesus is personal, from the heart, not just from my head. We talk, He hears me, I listen, I obey, He provides, and I give thanks even when He tells me no. I wish I could explain how it feels to have a per...