The Joy of Being...

I'm not saying He was too, but I can relate to Jesus right here: 
"Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth..."
(Matthew 5, ESV).

Just a little something to think about on this rainy Monday:

My Reflection:
"No, I am NOT shy and I sure as heck ain't no snob...I'm" No....don't go there Dreama. You know better and for crying out loud you are a counselor, you know what makes people, especially yourself, tick. So! 

And then, instead of following my emotions which were screaming for me to fight back, retaliate, say something, it was with a confidence I no longer felt that I finished the task at hand and as soon as was socially acceptable, walked to my Jeep and headed home.

Picture This:
We all get ourselves into a predicament from time to time by saying yes when we should have said no. Going out when we should have stayed home. Or by saying no when we should have said yes or staying home when we should have gone out. Y'all know what I talking about? Those times when 20-20 hindsight smirks at us for not heeding the warning signs of impending disaster? 

Recently, I had one of those days. So days later, when I received a text regarding what is commonly referred to as haters, I could completely relate. You know, because of the day I said yes when I should have said no. Or at least I should have asked a few questions about what I said yes to. I gave myself a mental pat on the back along with the an attagirl when reflected back to that day. Because I had successfully coached my anti-social-butterfly-introverted-self out of an anxiety attack (or worse) while smiling through my jitters. 

Fast Forward to 2016:
I hate drama. I want no part of it. I get really anxious when in a group of people. Unless I'm the one in charge -  setting things up - running the show - that way, I know what to expect - even though I don't like being the center of attention - I'm okay with that. But because I'm socially backward, one-on-one communication leaves me panicky and an inapt communicator. Sadly, I'm just now figuring this out: God built me as an introvert. So I cannot apologize for being me any more than I can change it.  But...for some reason, finally, I am okay with that. And I'm okay with you extroverts too.

+ + +

Maybe it is the aging process, but I've discovered great joy in being myself lately. Another new ah-ha moment: when we accept the fact that each of us have unique personalities, individual likes and dislikes, that each of us were hand crafted by God for a specific purpose...then we'll truly all be able to get along. For me personally, I'm content behind the scenes, taking it all in, but God has His own ideas on how to use us - nobody fits perfectly in a box! So please excuse me when I appear to be shy, overbearing, or an anti-social-butterfly fluttering around from group to group not really fitting in anywhere...I reckon that's the Joy of  What about you? Have you discovered the Joy of

Wishing each of y'all a blessed week - 

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly
#WVStrong #YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror


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