
As I sat down to write this morning, I thought about conversations I had with two of my four kids, namely Taryn and Anthony.   I was talking to them about how I've been feeling lately, questioning my support system, questioning why I'm doing this writing thing. Is it useful, is it helping anyone, is it God inspired or just me writing from my head? Taryn, always my voice of reason, told me that I was letting Satan into my head. And then I remembered  what Anthony had said to me when I told him my book was out and that I hoped it would sell well. He looked at me and said: "Mammy, if you only sell one book - maybe it was written just for that person." Is this kid really only 14? 

In my heart, I know that I need to apply self-control to my own soul, to unleash the Holy Spirit whenever I start to doubt myself, whenever I need encouraged. To on purpose use God's Word that I have hidden in my heart, brought to my mind by Him, to see beyond my assessment of the seen, and to focus on His will. But how?

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Unleashing self-control is an active decision. Over the years, to some small degree, I have figured out what I should do in order to control my physical self. My temper, eating habits, even taking control over how I clean my house are areas of self-control...I haven't mastered it yet but I'm better than I once was. 

But my soul? From time to time that powerful thing gets away from me. My mind races and recaps, my will either screams to let go or hold on, and there are days when my emotions are borderline manic...yet I know what God has told me - told us - in His Word. That we are more than conquerors, that we have authority to call His power down, that we are to take every thought captive. That we are His children, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. And that we have His fruit available to us.

+ + +

Recently I have been rethinking self-control. At one point in time, I considered it a spiritual fruit that set boundaries, one that kept me from doing stuff. Like its primary job was to preserve my outward appearance; my personal Holy Spirit monitored fence. But here lately, my Christian worldview is changing…giving me bigger arenas to consider. And with that change comes a lot of questions.

What if there is more to this fence than meets the eye? What if there are safe zones for expansion? What if we can push back those boundaries as we take fear and pride for a walk? And...for me...what if I toss my self-doubt on the other side of that fence and leave it there? What if, instead of allowing Satan to get inside my head leaving footprints of doubt, I unleash the Holy Spirit? To allow Him, on purpose, to sweep away that crap and not let it fertilize those doubts Satan tried to plant there?

I don't have all the answers, for myself or for anyone else...but I know that God does and that when I unleash Him and His Holy Spirit, when I unleash the fruit of self-control, the boundaries of my faith will expand. The fence is pushed back.  And Christ smiles down glad to see His power unleashed.

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Have a blessed weekend y'all,

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror #WVStrong


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