Sensory Overload? Walk and talk with Jesus. Plop, plank and pray. Sip and stare. Unplug to reconnect.

My Reflection:
"OMGosh! Stop. Just. Go. Away." 

This was me yelling at my gadgets on Monday.  Smart phone. iPad. Computer. Landline. You name it, it was going off with a ding here and a beep there.  My ADD kicked in and I was on sensory overload; it was about to get ugly up in my head...and why not? My gut had been screaming for everything to just stop for a while now so my head was bound to follow.

And then I saw my husband's morning e-mail come through - and by that time, I was ready to jump out of my skin. I replied and explained my anxiety level to one of the folks who understand how I tick. Finally, through his solid advice the light bulb came on.  "Just turn everything off and work on the presentation."  Maybe he listens to my coaching tips after all and I heeded his advice to take a time out.

So for the next two days I broke out the old slider phone for emergencies and fasted. I fasted from smart phones and social media, from anxiety and undue stress. And I wrote. And I talked to myself. And I got the workshop settled. And eventually...I felt normal again. 

Picture This:
My children hate the fact that I never seem to sit down - that I am always piddling around the house.  Always doing something. Even to sit still long enough to listen for God to speak through the Holy Spirit is not easy for me.  It takes two special fruits of the spirit: self-control and patience...and I'm working on developing both...but y'all...I ain't there yet. But I should be.

The Bible records many times over how Jesus went off alone to seek God and to pray...but I wonder if He would have been able to do this if He lived in 2016. Maybe Jesus would also be on His smart phone. Maybe He'd have an ap beeping in our prayer requests?  Or e-mails going back and forth instead of utilizing the Holy Spirit? I dunno...

Fast Forward to 2016:
Today, sensory overload comes into our lives through technology. Its everywhere. Information overload vamping up the cortisol production. Not leaving us enough time to exercise to burn it off or to release those sweet-sweet endorphins. Even in a world where the fitness craze continues we still can't find the time to be physically active or reverently silent. I'm guilty - how about you?

My husbands advice to unplug from my gadgets allowed me to reconnect with my right-brainedness (yes I know that isn't a word but it feels right) and get creative for the upcoming presentation. And it felt great.

Today I'm bound by work to have my technology open and be at someone - maybe everyone's - beck and call...but sometime today, I plan on finding time to take a few minutes to just stop and multitask. Walk and talk with Jesus. Plop, plank and pray. Sip and stare. Unplug to reconnect. 

Hey y'all, have a blessed Wednesday and do something that does not require electricity today - you'll be glad you did!

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror #WVStrong


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