
Showing posts from 2020

He knows the Stars by Name

Photo Credit: Dolly Sods Facebook Group - Unknown Hey y’all.       After journaling morning prayers and reading a devotion, Psalm 147:4 came to mind (He knows the stars by name). While this picture does not belong to me, thanks to the privilege of being born on Jordan Run, for most of my life, I was able to set in awe of this star-studded sky…but back then, I took it for granted. For forty years of my life, it was always there…but I took that view for granted…Perhaps in the same way I take other blessings for granted.       When I opened my Bible, I was not surprised to see that my pre-dawn thoughts aligned with the message God had for me today: The In-Touch Devotion, “Cry out to the Lord,” is derived from Psalm 107:23-32.       This passage of scripture speaks of being tossed about on life's sea; of being in turmoil, anxiety, and stressed beyond natural coping abilities. The devotional was so timely for the pandemic-stricken...

Singing Our Way Through This New Normal

As I was scrolling through my phone, I found this picture of my grandsons. My first thought: "Oh! Looks like they're social distancing!" Social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer, pandemic, no get-togethers, no sneezing, no shaking hands...terms associated with our new global normal. Phrases I have come to destest. Who would have thought that my biggest desire, the ONE THING I'd like to do more than ANYTHING is take a trip to BAM and skim through my newest books while enjoying a cup of Joe Mugs Coffee? Instead, I look at my Jeep and wish for things that, because I try to be a good citizen, are no longer as simple as pulling out of the driveway and heading South East! Earlier this week, I was talking with a friend. When she expressed concern over the mental well being of a few people in her circle, I realized that during this new normal, during the holiday season, over the drabness of winter, we should all be thinking of mental health...our own as well as our ...

Mammy's Special Biscuit

One of my quirks as a Life Coach: I look for teaching experiences in real life. Another of my quirks: I tend to put others first - even in the little things. If I never knew (before this morning) how this impacts my family, I do now. Today's little teaching moment came while I was reading my daily devotions. And my husband and our nine-year-old grandson were making breakfast. From the kitchen I heard Maddox proclaim, "We need to make Mammy her special biscuit." I smiled when John answered him, "We will, but Mammy's special biscuit is the last one we make." To which Maddox replied, "Pappy, we need to make hers first." +++ As every biscuit baker knows, the last biscuit is made from the scraps. It's the toughest, less attractive, flat one. The one that should not really be made…and the one I grab first. The one I'll smother with jelly and pop into my mouth as if it’s the best biscuit I ever ate. It isn't. But in a large fam...

My Thankful for November Tree

Hey, Y'all, Just like most of the world, I'm still waiting impatiently. Throughout the day, I would work a little, watch the news a little; then I'd pray a little, complain a little and start all over again. We are certainly living in uncertain times. And as scary as the corona virus is - also because of the randomness of its attacks and severity - I'm honestly more 'afraid' to go shopping. There are no limits to what can or will offend - and that's what scares me. But ya know what? According to the Bible, its not my place to worry about something way out of my hands.  I can't possibly understand why an American flag would offend a fellow American; I can just do my best to show that individual what respect for our county looks like. I can't possibly understand why the name of JESUS brings on a slanderous assault - while profanity is spewed without repercussion. I can't possibly understand why some people seem to have it all together and others st...

We've Only Just Begun week 38

REFLECTION " Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,  and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.  Do you believe this?”  (John 11:225-26, ESV). ​ A DEEPER LOOK Sun. 1 Peter  1: 24-25 Mon. Philippians 1:6 Tues. Galatians 2:20 Wed John   14:2-3 Thurs. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 Fri. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Sat. Revelation 3:8 IMAGINE THIS “It's perfect, mom.  I knew you’d like it,”  my daughter said as she handed me an acorn.  I looked down at the treasure in my hand; she was right: i t was perfect. So was her timing on finding it.  As I studied it, I nudged her husband saying it was just like him – a nut.   But unlike him (and his mother-in-law) it seemed perfect.   Us…not so much.  ​ After a chuckle, we talked about how this ‘perfect’ acorn, just like...

These Unprecedented Times

"Not even Solomon..." Psalm 121 ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ Matthew 6:25-34 My  she-shed office  is the perfect place to enjoy the beauty of nature. As I watched a couple cardinals flutter around the yard, living in harmony with two lively squirrels, I thanked God for this beautiful state and for our beautiful people.  After I snapped these low-quality shots, I complained to my daughter that I needed my camera; her automatic reply: go get it. Go get it... Easier said than done now that we're living in what the media is calling unprecedented times ...  And I believe that statement to be the truth, not just because of this world-wide virus that's spreading like wildfire...not just because most states are shut down; and believe it or not...not even because of the great 2020 toilet paper rush. I believe these are unprecedented times because we've been seeing the church being The Church ... and it ain't even Sunday. Today, all across ou...

Not Just a Pretty Face week 12

Not Just a Pretty Face - by Jerrica Fout Photo Credit: D. Kelly @ Hardy Co., WV "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."  (Proverbs 31:30, ESV) REFLECTION “Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favor in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition and my people at my request” (Esther 7:3, KJV). Question of the day: How courageous is my faith? A DEEPER LOOK Read : Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Esther 5 Esther 7:3-6 1 Samuel 16:7 Romans 8:26-27 1 Peter 3:3-4 Proverbs 31:30 Romans 8:6 This week, our verses remind us that courageous faith cannot be judged by outward appearance. Courage faith can only be measured by our heart; and only God truly knows our heart’s intent. IMAGINE THIS She was uninvited…yet there she stood. Waiti...