Focus of Direction

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

I just wanted to let you know that Your Life Coaching WV will be getting a face lift! No, not me, that's a nice thought though...but our social media and website! Both will be taking on a softer look with posts being focused on our four "E" tools: empower - encourage - enlighten - and equip - tools we use to help our neighbors turn hope into faith and faith into sight! And...we have upcoming events and workshops on our fall calendar which will be posted too!

I'm so excited about this upcoming change and focus of direction that I couldn't wait to share the news with y'all!

Hey, have a blessed Tuesday!

In Christ with love and compassion - Coach Kelly


Here is a little sneak peak from our upcoming Beyond Series:
Have you ever noticed how flowering weeds don't really care about what's around them? 
That they just go ahead and bloom wherever they are planted?
I think that's a good message for us. 
To always do our best to stand out in our strengths, no matter if we have physical beauty (and foresight like Queen Esther) or strengths of perseverance (and planning like Nehemiah). 
Luckily for these weeds, just like many of you, they have both and they're not afraid to
"Stand Out In Strength." 


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