Your Life - Your Story - Beyond the Mirror

Whew! Now that the first book in our "Beyond" series is safely edited and waiting for the publishers to do their magic, plans are underway for the second installment in the series! 

"Beyond the Mirror: Facing Your Life's Internal Nemesis" - co-authored by my oldest daughter, will include some awesome insights and photos from my West Virginia neighbors!  Beyond the Mirror is geared toward addressing and overcoming real-life issues women face every day. So whether you are a woman or just love a few, this book is for you.  It will offer some pretty good insights on topics handed to me from some of y'all! Here is a snippet from the draft manuscript:

"As women, we try to live up to the mirror’s reflection. We want to look beautiful, confident, worthy…but sometimes, we need to look beyond the mirror to where our true selves are found. To the place where we can reclaim what that piece of glass has stolen from us, primarily the contentment of being uniquely created in God’s image." 

Make you want to read more? To find out what God has to say about that? Well good!! I will be posting updates on the manuscript and timeline for publication.  IN THE MEAN TIME, "Beyond the Bully: Facing Your Life's Nemesis" is still due to be out this fall. Your Life Coaching WV will be conducting workshops on the topic late summer and mid-fall.

Hey, have a blessed Wednesday y'all!

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly

#WVStrong; #PrayingForAmerica 


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