Chasing After God week 35

"The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God." 
(Psalm 14:2, ESV).
Photo Credit B. Mathias @ Hardy Co., WV

​I've considered chasing it, you know?
That pot at the end of the rainbow.
I figure a lot of us have.
Wishing it were a possibility.
Imagining what we'd do with such a treasure.
Instead, we gaze on in wonder.
Considering what it means,
Where it came from,
How we can touch it.
With a sigh, we watch the colors fade.
And go back to chasing a more realistic dream.

Sunday Psalm ​9:10
Monday Acts 17:26-28
Tuesday Jeremiah 33:2-3
Wednesday Matthew 7:7
Thursday Hosea 10:12
Friday Matthew 6:33-34
Saturday Isaiah ​55:6

Have you considered how special you are to God? I think of the parable wherein Jesus talks about one wayward sheep. How the shepherd would leave 99 in search of the wandering one. When I look at my children, I often consider how special they are in their own way. The sassy ones, the quiet ones, the ones with an attitude like their mother...each child unique, different, and equally loved. Their differences do not determine the amount of love they receive. We love them all the same.

God feels the same way about us. He loves us as the unique individuals He created. But every once in a while, we feel the need to chase after His love. Consider the childhood games of 'chase' and 'hide and seek'.

One of these games leaves us feeling tired as the evasive player twists and turns, dodges and avoids. The other requires a different skill set: the ability to be still. To seek patiently leaving no corner untouched.

The common thread in these childhood games is the desire capture the elusive.

In my younger days, I may have played chase with God. Sometimes I was running after Him, other times from Him. But either way, it was exhausting. I was never satisfied. I was never a fan of this game, physically nor spiritually. Then I started seeking Him. I sought after Him everywhere, not just in church or in the Bible. Finally, I saw Him. And then when it was my time to be still, He found me. In the quiet of the moment just waiting. It was when I learned to look for Him everywhere, low and behold...there He was.

Journal your thoughts here

Our relationship with God requires us to seek Him. To look for Him in our everyday lives. Chasing after God indicates that He is running from us.

This week, consider ways to build your relationship with God by seeking Him in your everyday life.

​In Christ with love and compassion - Coach Kelly#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror
Your Life Coaching WV, llc
"Where hope becomes faith and faith becomes sight - because you matter."


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