Our Glory Our Joy

What an amazing concept. That the God of the universe is our joy! When Jesus ascended, He paved the way to heaven and offered us the opportunity to experience, first hand, all of His glory! Can you imagine that?! Can you feel Him stirring within?! The Holy Spirit of our creator residing within?!  Us?!

Individually, we are clueless about what today holds in store...it may be the best day of our lives, it may be one of the worst, or it could simply be a typical Wednesday. We may have an attitude that stinks - or we may have the brightest outlook ever...but these will pass. The one thing that remains true is that nothing can separate us from His unconditional love.

Have a blessed Wednesday y'all - 

Today, I pray that you will allow Him to be the source of your joy :-)

In Christ with Love and Compassion - Coach Kelly

#BeyondTheMirror #YourLifeCoachingWV


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